‘Whilst progress has been made in the protection of mortgagors’ interests, there are still weaknesses to be addressed in this area of Land Law’

‘Whilst progress has been made in the protection of mortgagors’ interests, there are still weaknesses to be addressed in this area of Land Law’

Critically analyse this statement.

Use Books, Articles, Journals and Cases.
Recommended books:
-S.Clarke and S. Greer Land Law, Directions (Oxford University Press) 5th edn
-Gray and Gray Elements of Land Law (Oxford University Press)
-Thompson Modern Land Law (Oxford University Press)
-Smith Cases and Materials on Property Law (Pearson)
Essay needs to:
a) Shows at least excellent knowledge and understanding of relevant legal material.
b) Provides excellent analysis of the material.
c) Constructs a convincing, coherent and
consistent argument
d) Applies the law, where this is relevant to the task.
e) Makes excellent use of relevant legal authorities to support the argument.
f) Makes excellent use of appropriate language,
including technical legal language.
g) Draws on a wide range of appropriate sources.
h) Provides a comprehensive answer to the question.
i) Shows originality of thought, where appropriate