What’s wrong with Democracy today?
What’s wrong with Democracy today?
Read ONE of the following articles on democracy today:
“Our Democracy’s Unnecessary Stupidities” http://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/our-democracys-unnecessary-stupidities ..
OR, “How stable are democracies?” http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/29/world/americas/western-liberal-democracy.html?_r=0
“Is Capitalism compatible with democracy today”
[Ted talk] Consult Rousseau’s critique of democracy (and Marx’s critique of capitalism) to discuss the following questions:
Questions: § 1 – What reasons are there to doubt the functioning of democracy today? § 2 – Looking at Rousseau (and/or Marx), are those reasons convincing? § 3- Where can we go from here? Can democracy be fixed?