undertake critical analysis of text, discourse practice and social practice in “Question that ended daftest foreign aid fiasco of them all” ( 1. Daily Mail 12.1.2017) media text

undertake critical analysis of text, discourse practice and social practice in “Question that ended daftest foreign aid fiasco of them all” ( 1. Daily Mail 12.1.2017) media text

Write the following three tasks in one document, each taking up two pages (4800 characters). In terms of sources – just use the sources attached and add relevant theoretical sources, if referring to them.



Task one (2 pages: 4800 characters including spaces):

  • undertake critical analysis of text, discourse practice and social practice in the following media text:


“Question that ended daftest foreign aid fiasco of them all”, Daily Mail

(Document name: “1. Daily Mail 12.1.2017”)


  • The text is relatively long, so focus on the key parts of the text that strongly illustrate your analysis. Do not analyse every line nor every section of the article!


  • Do not quote too much, use line numbers as referencing.


Task two (2 pages: 4800 characters including spaces):

Analyse the excerpt from a radio phone-in involving two hosts and a caller. (transcript attached: Document name: (“2. Transcript radio phone-in”)


  • Do two hosts have an impact on the sequential organisation of the call?
  • Does the fact that this call was not originally in English affect the analysis?
  • Refer to line numbers


Task three (2 pages: 4800 characters including spaces):


  • Analyse the following international magazine critical profile article, and then compare it with the second positive profile article from the same magazine:


Worldbeaters: Hillary Rodham Clinton”

Document name: (“3. Worldbeaters- Hillary Rodham Clinton”)


“Making Waves: Kholoud Waleed”

Document name: (3. Making waves -Kholoud Waleed”)


  • Space is limited so focus on the key discursive features of each article, especially in regard to gender and representations of women, and any similarities/differences between them.
  • Refer to line numbers.