In the state of Arizona, there is no law which requires K-12 schools to offer any sexuality education to its students. Each school district decides if it will offer any sexuality education to its students, and if so, which type of education. For this assignment, you will write from the viewpoint of a public health professional who is advocating for comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) in your school district. You will write a five paragraph essay which includes discussion on key points from the two articles provided. Next, you will assess the credibility of the agencies who wrote the two articles.


Getting ready:

  • Carefully read these instructions. Take notes on what you’ll need to write about.
  • Then, carefully read the two articles posted in BbLearn in the folder for this day.
  • You must use both of the articles when writing this assignment.
  • You may not use any other sources for this assignment.

Part 1:

  • Thoroughly address each of the questions asked in each paragraph of the essay.
  • Each paragraph should be written in at least four complete sentences. Note: for some paragraphs, it may be necessary to write more than four sentences to provide a full answer.
  • Do not write the headings for the paragraphs, or the questions.
  • Provide appropriate in-text citations in correct APA format in each paragraph 1-4. Consult your APA manual and/or Purdue OWL to see how to do that. IF NO CITATIONS ARE PROVIDED, THIS IS A FORM OF PLAGIARISM, AND A GRADE OF 0 POINTS WILL BE GIVEN FOR THE ASSIGNMENT.
  • Paragraph 5 asks for your educated opinion, so no citations are needed.


Part 2:

  • Assess the credibility of the agencies who wrote the articles by considering the agency’s mission, vision, and values.
  • Apply the CRAAP test.
  • Write an overall assessment of the agencies’ credibility on the topic of sexuality education in at least three sentences.
  • Provide appropriate in-text citations in correct APA format in this part as well. Again, IF NO CITATIONS ARE PROVIDED, THIS IS A FORM OF PLAGIARISM, AND A GRADE OF 0 POINTS WILL BE GIVEN FOR THE ASSIGNMENT.

Part 3:

  • Include a “References” page at the end with full information for each article and each website. Use correct APA style.

Other notes:

  • Carefully read the grading rubric so you know how many points are assigned for each paragraph.
  • Bring the completed assignment with you to class, as you will need to refer to it during our discussion.
  • Also, submit it in BbLearn before class begins, so I can check for plagiarism.


Paragraph 1. Need for sexuality education in the United States: Why should some type of sexuality education be offered in this school district? How many young people are sexually active? What are the specific health consequences of sexual activity among teens? Use the article from the Guttmacher Institute.


Paragraph 2. Evidence-based strategies: Comprehensive sex education: What is the philosophy of comprehensive sexuality education (CSE), and which topics are included in this type of curriculum? What is the evidence that indicates it is effective in making a positive impact on youth? What is the role of school connectedness in achieving positive effects? Use the article from the APHA.


Paragraph 3. Opposing arguments/evidence: Abstinence-only education: What concerns have been raised about CSE? What is the philosophy of abstinence-only education, and which topics are included in this type of curriculum? What concerns have been raised about CSE? Use the article from the APHA.

Paragraph 4: Action steps: The APHA recommends five action steps regarding sex education in the U.S. Summarize the two steps which you think would be most effective, and explain why you chose them. Use the article from the APHA.

Paragraph 5: Health as a human right: How does this issue of sex education relate the concept of health as human right? Discuss the four elements in regards to the key points made in the articles.


Credibility of a source may be assessed in a variety of ways. For this assignment, you will consider the agency’s mission, vision, and values, and also use the CRAAP test.


  1. First, go to the websites for the agencies who wrote the articles you read (the Guttmacher Institute and the

American Public Health Association). Find the mission, vision, and values of each agency.  Write them down, verbatim (word for word). Use quotation marks, and provide an in-text citation for each website. Highlight the key words or phrases that help you assess its credibility.

  1. Then, assess the sources by using the CRAAP test. Write one complete sentence assessing each criterion (Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy and Purpose). Be sure to address the questions below:
  2. Currency: When was the information published or posted on the website?
  3. Relevance: Who is the intended audience (reader of the article)?
  • Authority: Who write the article, and what are their qualifications to write on this topic?
  1. Accuracy: Is the information supported by evidence? If so, what type of evidence is included?
  2. Purpose: What is the purpose or goal of this article? Is there any political, religious, cultural, or personal bias?


  1. Consider what you learn from the two above steps (A and B) to give an overall assessment of the agency’s credibility. State if you believe the website is a credible source of information or not, specifically on this issue of sexuality education. Discuss your decision in at least three complete sentences which emphasize the most important ideas from the assessment.

PART 3: REFERENCE LIST. This should be on a separate page and in correct APA format.