Response of organisational leaders to issues or changes in their institutional environment
Response of organisational leaders to issues or changes in their institutional environment
In your Learning Teams over the past 2 weeks, you have analysed the relationship between external forces, organisational issues, and leadership responses, including policy responses. You have focussed on a particular issue of interest to you and your teammates. Your first Hand-in Assignment will allow you to expand your analysis, apply ideas gained from your Learning Team work, and address additional issues facing your organisation. This Hand-in Assignment, an analysis of the response of organisational leaders to issues or changes in their institutional environment, is due in Week 5.
Complete a 2,500-word paper that analyses the response of organisational leaders to issues or changes in their institutional environment (whether the organization if your own organisation, or one with which you are familiar). Your response should include attention to transformative forces and trends impacting on the organization, the response of the organization through policy in or other ways, and the role of organisational leaders in framing this response.
You may find it helpful to consider some of the following questions as you frame your response:
- What are the primary external forces impacting the organisation?
- How do these forces manifest themselves within the organisational context? What issues have arisen as a result?
- What does the research literature say about these issues that is relevant to your organisational context?
- How have these issues been addressed in your organisation—via a policy response or other type of change or initiative?
- If an issue was addressed by policy, what was the policy?
- If an issue was addressed by a different type of response, what was that response?
- What was the role of leaders in developing the policy or other response? What leadership strategies or approaches did they use?
Note that you may broaden your analysis beyond the specific issue addressed in your Learning Team.
This Assignment constitutes the first part of your analysis of organisational leadership and policy; you will continue your analysis in your final Hand-in Assignment, due as a draft in Week 8 and in final form in Week 10.