Difference between positivism and constructivism

Difference between positivism and constructivism

1-Philassophy of Research paradigm (the difference between positivism and constructivism and in which type of research should we use each of them in around 400 word)

2-Research Methodology (the difference between qualitative and quantitative with focusing on qualitative 500 wordas)

3-Case study (1000 words)

Different perspectives in defining case study in education and language learning. Justifications for using case study (can you mention advantages and some disadvantages with responding for those disadvantages)

4-Observation ( 500 words)

Definition,  Rational for using observation (discuss advantages and disadvantages and respond to those drawbacks)

5-Interviews (500 words)


Rational for using interviews (discuss advantages and disadvantages and respond to drawbacks)

6-Field note (500 words)


Rational for using interviews (discuss advantages and disadvantages and respond to drawbacks)