Quaker Abolitionists Levi and Catherine Coffin – what inspired, motivated, and enabled them to be distinguished historical humanitarians.

Quaker Abolitionists Levi and Catherine Coffin – what inspired, motivated, and enabled them to be distinguished historical humanitarians.

focus on the Quaker abolitionists Levi Coffin and his wife Catherine Coffin, writing a thesis centered around what inspired, motivated, and enabled Levi and Catherine Coffin to become such distinguished historical humanitarians. For this paper it is required that you must add something new to the conversation of what inspired, motivated, and enabled Levi and Catherine Coffin to become the distinguished historical humanitarians that history remembers. By something new i simply mean another angle or approach that hasn’t been written about. I will restate that you must bring something new to the conversation regarding what inspired, motivated, and enabled Levi Coffin and Catherine Coffin to become the distinguished historical humanitarians that history recalls. This is a lengthy research paper that requires you to research many primary and secondary sources. I will detail some you should use below. You must back your thesis up with quality research to develop your paper.