Project management MediSys Corp
Project management
- Identify main personnel
- Identify current problems
- Give main personnel project responsibilities
- Give main personnel project problems (the problem in this case are organization structure & culture, team building & managing, leadership and technology)
- Are these the right people for the problems
- What is the individual doing
- What is the individual not doing
- Identify problems that were Not predictable
- What could be done with these
- Identify problems that were predictable
- What could be done with these
- Re-design the project so that the problem do not occur if re-run
- Identify who should be responsible for the current state of the project
- Gap analysis against current position and should be position, and decide against continuation of project
- Practical work is always backed up by referencing
Failure Assessment areas
- Scope
- Project governance (organization structure and culture)
- Planning and schedule
- Resources
- Risk and issues management
- Communications (leadership, team building and managing)
- Budget management
- Vendor management
- Technology