Pokemon GO Research
Pokemon GO Research
After a long time misunderstanding that video games do not make players have a healthy
lifestyle because of less exercising. However, argument virtual games are developed and
bring video games into a new period. For example, Pokemon GO, a new argument virtual
game is developed to make players to walk. The more walking, there are more pokemon
they can catch, and have more achievement in game. Can this game change the
misunderstanding of video games?
Prepare a research proposal, including a summary proposal to ethics committee
for a project that would investigate a group of people who make regular use of
information technology. This project is the final assessment item of this unit of
study and should demonstrate an understanding of relevant activities throughout
the semester (but not all the methods covered). The project must explain the
motivations for the theoretical orientation, methodology, and methods proposed
for the study.
Your project proposal must clearly identify and justify research methods based on
an understanding of the lectures, readings and class discussions throughout this
unit of study.
These projects can be conducted individually or in pairs. Pairs must define and
document roles and responsibilities clearly.
The projects will be assessed based upon the ARC criteria:
Significance and innovation
Specify what your project will contribute to knowledge in the discipline, and how
it will contribute something new. Refer to previous research.
Approach and methodology
Is the approach you are taking to your topic appropriate? Is your methodology
well designed and justified?
Ethical integrity
Will your research be conducted ethically? How will you ensure informed
consent? How will you recruit at arms length?
National benefit
How will the research benefit the country? (The country benefits from all
research, so no need to overreach).
Submit your research proposal as a word processing document (.docx) to
Blackboard on the due date listed above. Note: students who work in pairs should
both submit a copy of the assignment with both names clearly indicated on the
title page of the document.