Performance Measurement Systems (General Electric)

Performance Measurement Systems (General Electric)

The paper is about performance measurement systems in GE, General Electric.

Background of the Performance Measurement System (1 page max)
-Discuss the organisation’s current Performance Measurement System
-Draw insights of the organisation’s performance measurement system from the work (report) that you have done for the Group Project.
(i) Write a summary about the system’s objectives and how it is functioning as it is. How would you define the current system?
(ii) What were your thoughts in terms the design, implementation and use of the current system and the level of effectiveness

Develop the following based on the information you have (10 pages max)
-Destination statements for the organization for the next 10 years
-Strategic Linkage map for at least three (3) strategic outcomes for the organization
-Define objectives and measures for at least 3 outcomes and 3 outputs

Reflection (1 page max)
a. What did you learn from this exercise of designing a system for the organization?
b. Link your observation to existing literature – this is where you cite the references of materials you have read.