ow do social scientists (empiricists) and humanists (interpretive and critical scholars) differ in their answers to the question

How do social scientists (empiricists) and humanists (interpretive and critical scholars) differ in their answers to the


What is truth? In other words, how do they differ in how they view communication functioning in the real

world? (Note: Make sure you address all Ontological Assumptions)

2. How do social scientists and humanists differ in the ways they prefer to gain knowledge (i.e., to learn) about

communication? (Note: Make sure you address all Epistemological Assumptions)

3. How do social scientists and humanists differ in their opinions regarding the role that the researcher’s values

should play in the theory building and testing process? (Note: Make sure you address all Axiological Assumptions)

4. Given your answers to questions 1-3 above, how do you think social scientists’ and humanists’ theories of

communication will differ? Specifically:

(a) How would their goals of theory differ?

(b) How would their explanations differ?

(c) How would they differ in the methods used to test their theories?

5. Below are five different propositions regarding the role that values should play in the research process. Select the

proposition you agree with the most and defend your position.

Position #1: Research should always be value free.

Position #2: Research will have values, but should be free of values in areas concerned with

verification of results.

Position #3: Research will inevitably be influenced by values. Therefore, we must be aware of how

these values will influence our research.

Position #4: Values are a desirable part of the research process.

Position #5: Values negatively affect the research process.

6. Do you find yourself leaning more toward the Social Scientific approach to theory building and testing, or more

toward the Humanistic approach to theory building and testing? Why? If you identify more with the Humanistic

approach, would you say you are more interested in conducting interpretive research or critical research? Why?