Organization Intervention Proposal Process

Organization Intervention Proposal Process

Will need one page per bullet please. Include references and citations.

You are asked to select an organization and produce a proposal for an intervention that you believe would positively address a Human Resource Capital issue that is causing problems in a dysfunctional organization or which would enable a healthy organization move to an even higher level of productivity and efficiency.

Organization Intervention Proposal Process

The Organizational Intervention proposal is a three (3) part project consisting of concise yet informative writing.  Not to exceed 1 page per bullet as described below.

Part 1: The first three tasks of this organizational intervention proposal are due Week 5.    (100 points) 

  • An overview/introduction of your selected organization. (who they are and what they do)
  • Identify organization’s needs for an intervention (What is the issue, problem, or opportunity)
  • Identify benefits to organization from the proposed intervention (How will this help them. Improve product or service quality, efficiency, customer service, etc.)

Part 2: students research and write the remainder of this organizational intervention proposal. (100 points)

  • Identify the Organizational initiatives to be implemented
  • How will you gain buy-in from leadership in the organization?
  • How will you gain buy in from the organization’s employees?
  • What training will be required for your implementation plan?
  • Other areas that might be relevant to your company and your Proposal.