Operations Management
After reflecting on what you have learned and how you have benefited by taking MT435 Operations Management, write a minimum one page response to the questions below. Make sure to address the critical elements so you will be successful in completing this assignment.
Respond using the critical elements below and submit your minimum
one page response to the dropbox by Sunday at 12 midnight EST in
Unit 10.
1. Reflect and describe which key concepts and topics in this course have
made you a stronger candidate to enter the business world.
2. Discuss how this course has affected you in your professional
development as a student and as a person as well as encouraging you on
your academic path.
Critical Elements
Write your original response in Standard American English, paying
special attention to grammar, style and mechanics.
Respond to the questions in a thorough manner, providing specific
examples of concepts, topics, from question 1, and specific examples
of the impact on you from question 2.
Ensure that your viewpoint and purpose are clearly stated.
Demonstrate logical and appropriate transitions from one idea to
Your paper should be highly organized, logical and focused.
Submit your Unit 10 Written Assignment to the “Unit 10 Assignment”
Dropbox. For guidance on how to use the Dropbox please consult the
Dropbox Guide link located in the Academic Tools tab.