Obesity Prevention: School Based Health Promotion
Obesity Prevention: School Based Health Promotion
Obesity Prevention: School Based Health Promotion-PART III: Creation of the synthesis tables.
This week you will focus on creating a Synthesis Table(s) as a means to summarize and organize the body of evidence from the Evaluation Table. The Synthesis tables will be included in your formal proposal in the Appendix.
In the body of the paper, you will describe the “keeper” studies in narrative format.
Share your approach to synthesizing the evidence.
What were the variables of interest you identified?
• Learning to write in a scholarly fashion requires that you are able to succinctly summarize an article in a sentence or two and cite it appropriately using APA format.
In this paper, practice summarizing 2 articles you have identified from the Synthesis Table as pertinent to your proposal. Include the level of evidence, study design, and evidence of rigor.
• In addition to research studies, patient preference and clinical expertise should also be considered. Discuss how you will incorporate these important perspectives into your project proposal.
For each article include in the narrative:
• Authors’ names, date of publication (included in the citation).
• Quality and level of evidence
• How significant (or not) the evidence is and why you think so. How are these articles relevant to change practice or policy for your specific practice site and population? If a study is not significant and you have included it, mention how your clinical expertise was involved in this decision.
You should indicate the intervention you plan to use in your project proposal.