Modelling changes of Coastal Wetlands Responding to disturbance environmental regimes; Case studies from “south east NSW, Australia”.

Modelling changes of Coastal Wetlands Responding to disturbance environmental regimes; Case studies from “south east NSW, Australia”.

approaches to monitor and measure coastal wetland shorelines extent and vegetation dynamics (using NDVI index), change and trends. Monitoring will focus on south-eastern NSW study sites, to compare the results between the study sites to evaluate the used approach.

to model and investigate the human and environmental influence on the coastal wetlands at each study site. To find and observe the reasons for any trends and changes, and then to create a scenario and/or estimate a model for future changes. This will consider the response of coastal wetlands and their ecosystems to threats of human activities, such as agriculture and urbanism, and environment degradation, such as climate changes, sea level rise and sedimentation.

to examine models in the context of sustaining coastal wetland ecosystems, and to find out the best modelling methods which are suitable for the different particular coastal wetlands locally and globally. This will be achieved by comparing the results from the application of different GIS modelling methods to all study sites that represent different coastal wetlands and disturbance regimes.