Media Analysis
Media Analysis
1.News Values: Choose one newspaper article and analyse what news values make it ‘newsworthy’, and what kind of register/rhetorics are used within the article.
Newsworthy? How is this connected to the news values? What is news? Who decides what is news? I have to convince why the article that I have been chosen became news. For instance you can write something like: I have decided to analyse this newspaper article at the back of the newspaper. Why is at the back, why not at the front, etc?analysing and discovering. When you introduce the article you can not just talk about the article and the writer, you can talk about the publication of which this article is…. like who is responsible? I have to include this 10 words as many as I like and explain them.
1.The paper elite
5.Bad News
6.Good News
10.Newspaper agenda
3.Representations and Stereotypes: Choose one example of a media text and explore what kind of stereotype(s) is/are used, and ask yourself, why do stereotypes matter?
It can be an article, photograph – Something that is mediated, something that happens in the media. Why this is important? What kind of words are used? I have to define what representation is, define what stereotype is? Why is it powerful, etc.? What language is used? Impacts? Why I have came to that conclusion, etc? Does it reflect natural beliefs around the world? Is this representation pejorative or judgmental? Does it perpetuate a ”us” vs ”them” ideology?…sentences like: I think that this is stereotypical because such and such….
Does it express the dominant ideology?
Does it naturalise the power relationship in society?