Marketing – Pricing Strategies

Marketing – Pricing Strategies


  • An original response that specifically addresses the topic/assignment, superbly incorporates and applies material  learned, application of at least 3 chapter concepts (indicated with underline), critical thinking, evidence of   understanding (7 points possible)
  •   P Professionalism, grammar and inclusion of all components (2 points)
  •   2 APA references (1 point)
  • 1-2 pages…. the closer to 2 the better.


  • Search Pricing strategies
  • Pick your favorite pricing strategy – Ex.. penetration pricing, psychological pricing, economy pricing, price skimming, product line pricing, optional product pricing, captive product pricing, product bundle pricing, promotional pricing, or premium pricing.
  • Find a brand/product.
  • See how that pricing strategy is being used.
  • Why is it working or why is it not? Plus anything else that comes to mind on the marketing pricing strategy for the product.