Managing strategic performance

Managing Strategic Performance

It is a reflective essay that allows you to demonstrate your engagement with the subject content and group work.

This subject has given you the opportunity to work as a group to analyse the performance management practices of real-world organisations and critique the viability of performance management in future human resource practice. At the conclusion of this session, you are now required to combine your newfound knowledge and apply it to your personal experience working in groups towards the group presentation.

Your Tasks
1. Briefly summarise your experiences with the group assessment this session.
2. Drawing on relevant, concrete examples from your group work, outline the performance of each of your group members, including yourself.
3. Critique the ways your group managed its own performance, if at all, during the course of the session.
4. Drawing on relevant theories from the subject, in what ways will you manage performance differently if you encounter similar experiences in the future?


Essay structure
1.Briefly summarise your experiences with the group assessment this session.
Summary of group work (10%)
Succinct and considered summary of group work. Demonstrated strong engagement with group work.

2. Outline the performance of each of your group members, including yourself.
Discussion of group member performance (10%)
Succinct and considered analysis of group members� performance. Fair and transparent communication of experiences.