Key requirements for a new network for Ullman, Manly, & Ulysses Corporation
Key requirements for a new network for Ullman, Manly, & Ulysses Corporation
With 75,000 customers worldwide, 250 employees working in four locations in the United States and three European offices, and a catalog of more than 100,000 parts, Ullman, Manly & Ulysses Corporation (UMUC) relies on its network for its survival. In the past decade, UMUC has seen its business grow from just one location and a few local customers to the worldwide supplier it is today. But in the process of growing exponentially, it has overwhelmed its telecommunications network, which is currently managed by an outside telecommunications network management company. The network crashes frequently, resulting in customer service and e-mail interruptions that are costly to the company. The network management company is not responsive to UMUC, a relatively small customer, and often disagrees that there is even a problem. Since the contract with the service provider is about to expire, UMUC has decided to seek a better network solution.
The Chief Information Officer (CIO) has outlined the key requirements for a new network for UMUC. He has explained to the executive board that a new network would have the following characteristics:
- Availability: Business operations require maximum uptime, and quick repairs when needed.
- Reliability: The network must function as designed and produce accurate results.
- Scalability: UMUC continues to grow at a rapid rate, and there are plans for acquisition of several small parts suppliers; the network must support this growth.
- Security: The confidentiality and integrity of UMUC’s data is of great importance, as is the protection of its customers’ data.
- Flexibility: The new network must be responsive to the changing needs of the business.
- Performance: The network must provide quick access for employees and customers.
- Manageability: The network must be designed and implemented so that it can be managed by a small team of centrally located IT specialists.
- Economic efficiency: The ongoing operations and maintenance costs should offset the initial investment costs, reducing the long-term total cost of ownership of the network.
UMUC’s executives have agreed that they need a business network with higher reliability, security, and scalability, but with lower costs, than the existing externally managed network. The CIO has proposed that UMUC design and implement its own network, using advanced technologies for high availability, efficiency, and security management, that can be operated by a very small IT department. He proposes to use virtual private network technologies to connect remote offices and users securely and to facilitate company expansion.
The Deliverable
The CIO has asked you to develop a 3-page white paper that provides the following:
- definition of the business or technical problem
- discussion of the problem within the context of the scenario
- recommendation of the application of technology, processes, and policies that solve the problem
- discussion of the impact or risks of the applied solution within the context of business strategy and managerial perspective
- identification, analysis, and mitigation of risks of the recommended solution
Briefly define the business problem, and discuss it in the context of the scenario. Briefly describe the proposed technology solution, processes, and policies to solve the problem. You should demonstrate your critical thinking as you incorporate the course concepts and explain the business needs and solutions. Then discuss the impact or risks of the applied solution within the context of the business strategy and managerial perspective. Then discuss the challenges and security risks that result from implementing the proposed solution. Propose mitigation strategies for the challenges and risks identified. The bolded attributes in the Scoring Rubric (see below) must be used as the section headings in the white paper.