Human Resource Interview

Human Resource Interview

Using this video link.

Describe HR four broad processes from a district perspective to research: (1) Screening &
recruiting; (2) selecting, placing, inducting, and developing; (3) evaluating, (4) compensating, and promoting to
leadership position. Students in the same district may conduct the HR Director interview together, but each student
is required to submit an individual report/assignment. This assignment is to be posted on your Wiki. Please focus
your interview to include the following:
(a) Describe any other administrative function(s) that your HR office manages that has not been discussed so
(b) How many HR department employees are exempt and how many are non-exempt and what is the total
number of district employees? Using this information calculate the ratio of exempt and non-exempt HR
employees to the total of district employees.)
(c) What leadership style/theory do you most often utilize in your role as HR Director?
Discuss the district’s position statement on the security of all sensitive and confidential data related to teacher
performance and student data related to teacher performance. Please share how this information is gathered, stored,
and disseminated at both the school and district levels.