HRM and organizational development

HRM and organizational development

APA Format Requirements:

  1. At least 2,100 words count (including the reference page as part of the count).
  2. In-text citations

Examples –  According to Law and Jones…… (p. 250).

Law and Jones (2015) …

… effecting the culture, climate, and interventions (Law &

Jones, 2015)

  1. References: peer-reviewed journal articles dated between years 2011-2016 (nothing older than year 2011). I have included references but if you decide to use material outside my references, please ensure it follows the above request. Please, NO book or website references (i.e. or, or etc.), ONLY peer-reviewed journal articles.
  2. Separate paragraphs and provide transition flow of paragraphs (see # 1-4 below).


Address the following in this assignment:

  1. Provide a clear thesis or main claim (organizational development).
  2. Describe the difference between organizational culture & organizational climate and describe how they affect organizational development.
  3. Describe organizational development intervention techniques (goal setting, performance appraisal, and reward system) and how they are applied.
  4. Discuss appreciative inquiry (meaning: appreciative inquiry is a way of being and seeing. It is both a worldview and a process for facilitating positive change in human systems, i.e. organizations, groups, and communities. Its assumption is simple: every human system has something that works right-things that give it life when it is vital, effective, and successful. It begins by identifying this positive core and connecting to it in ways the heighten energy, sharpen vision, and inspire action for change) and how it could guide organizational development.