How companies can utilize leadership development to promote positive social change within an organization and around the community.

Leadership and management development can go beyond the day-to-day operations of an organization and can actually help contribute to promoting positive social change at many levels. The human resource skills of effective managers translate well in promoting social causes like gender and economic equality.

Based on your reading for this week:

Consider how companies can utilize leadership development to promote positive social change within an organization and around the community.

Post by Day 4 a substantive response of approximately 200–250 words that addresses the following:

  • Identify a company from your professional experience, including its industry and location.
  • Describe leadership development strategies that the company could employ within the organization to promote positive social change.
  • Explain how these leadership strategies could benefit both the company and the industry.

Use the Week 6 Discussion 2 Template (located in this week’s Learning Resources) to develop a draft of your response. Then, post your finalized statement to the Discussion Thread.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.

Respond by Day 7 with at least 75 words each to two or more of your colleagues’ postings in one or more of the following ways:

  • Ask a probing question.
  • Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.
  • Offer and support an opinion.
  • Make a suggestion.
  • Expand on your colleague’s posting.