Healthy Lifestyle Business Idea

Healthy Lifestyle Business Idea

The business idea is to start a fitness center that carters for Obese people in the community. There are several gyms and fitness centers in Boston, but none target obese individuals. Obesity is an issue that has not been sufficiently addressed and is often left as a personal decision. The initiative is to eradicate the isolation of the Obese in society and create a space and community where they can interact towards a common goal, healthy lifestyle.

A community and an environment for the obese, targeting the mellenials

Business is more comprehensive, focuses on a holistic approach to lifestyle change and not 90 day, 60day, or 12 week programs

Business focus is on changing lives


Assess other fitness centers and their initiatives, do they have statistics and data on obese customers (this data can be collected without compromising personal information

Compelling need

Fitness industry is extremely competitive, but clear lack of effort to reach out to the obese in society. 33% of adults aged between 18 and 35 years in Boston, MA are obese. This age group is most productive and big contributor to local economy. Issues associated with obesity and data can be obtained from

The business will offer a place to meet and retain an online community presence

Services offered will include: diet plans from qualified dietician, licensed fitness professional, and mentors those who have successfully transitioned from obesity to normal weight

Products sold: Diet supplements from sponsors with opportunity for company to produce and sell its own supplements, workout gear and attire branded with business logo – an opportunity to market and create a brand.


Conduct surveys and interviews within the area. Collect data and use observation in local fitness centers to assess the people in attendance and existence of initiatives in reaching out to the obese

Additional ideas from team members are welcome