Were free blacks really free? Was abolitionism confined to the North? How successful was the Underground Railroad? To what extent did free African-Americans exist in the colonies or states prior to Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation?
Were free blacks really free?
I need the first 4 pages of a research paper on these topics. Were free blacks really free? Was abolitionism confined to the North? How successful was the Underground Railroad? To what extent did free African-Americans exist in the colonies or states prior to Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation?
I need at least 2 google scholar sources, 1 book source, and any other reliable sources other than those 3. The essay format is mla. I need a separate work cited page.
Requirements: For ALL papers you must:
Type your paper Type in Times New Roman font Type in size 12 font Double space your paper Have a separate Works Cited page that follows MLA format that does NOT count as one of the required pages for your paper Have at least one required source be from an online Google Scholars article or an online journal AND at least one source be from a book that is NOT your textbook