Financial Planning
Financial Planning
Your task is to produce an integrated Financial Plan that comments on the issues identified in the case study. It is intended that the case study gives you all of the detail that you need in order to complete the plan. You should certainly assume that it is complete. This case study is designed to reflect as close to real-life client scenarios as possible. With that in mind, there may be anomalies or inconsistencies within the case study. You should be able to identify and resolve them and complete the Financial Plan accordingly. You should note that the file note has resulted from meeting(s) that you are deemed to have held with the client. Things that may appear to be inconsistent may be treated as being no more than different people?s interpretation of relationships and circumstances. The Financial Plan will be assessed against the assessment criteria in Units 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. In order to pass each unit, every learning outcome within each unit must be passed.