How fair trade is the best option for development in the Global South
Title of Proposed Advocacy Briefing: How fair trade is the best option for development in the Global South?
Summary of Proposed Topic (max 150 words) [This must identify the topic area, how it relates to one (or more) of the issues covered in Weeks 6-11 of the module, and what the main arguments of your advocacy briefing will be]:
Key Sources Identified for your Proposed Topic [Please include full bibliographic details of three key sources that you have identified as being central to the research for your topic]:
To be completed by the module leader:
Comments: A focus on fair trade, and its impact on development in the Global South, is generally fine. However, at the moment your focus is very broad. Can you maybe select a few specific case-studies to demonstrate the broader arguments you want to make about fair trade.
NGO-style Advocacy Briefing
What are Advocacy Briefings?
A number of development NGOs carry out advocacy work and you will find some examples of their Briefings on Moodle. Advocacy Briefings often have the direct aim of changing national and/or international policy or they can be more broadly concerned with raising awareness of an issue.
How do I write an Advocacy Briefing?
You should write your briefing with the general public as the intended audience. Hence, there is a need for clarity and an engaging presentation style (you may want to use images, diagrams, tables, boxes, etc.).
However, to be credible it also needs to be research-based and you should therefore include references to the academic literature in the same way as you would for any other piece of academic work.
Your briefing should be analytical and not simply descriptive. It also needs to be persuasive but must acknowledge and engage with different perspectives or approaches to the issue you are looking at.
The structure of your Advocacy Briefing should include a contextualisation of the issue, a clear presentation of ‘the problem’ that you have identified, and an outline of the recommended changes (to policy-making if appropriate) that you are advocating.
Reading list:
There are a number of journals dealing with aspects of international development. The main ones held in the library are:
Conflict, Security and Development
Development and Change
Development in Practice
Development Policy Review
Gender and Development
Journal of Development
Economics Journal of Development Studies
Journal of International Development
Journal of International Relations and Development
New Political Economy
Review of Development Economics
Third World Quarterly
World Development