

Following diagnosis of the disease problem assigned to each group in Laboratory 6,
students will be required to write a “factsheet” describing the symptoms of their
disease, describing the causal organism and disease development (ie. “disease cycle”),
and presenting disease control options. Students should model their factsheet after the
factsheets provided by the instructor on the Angel site. Factsheets are targeted at end
users such as crop consultants etc. and should aim to include as much visual material as
possible and be visually appealing. Important visual elements that are included in most
factsheets are photographs of disease symptoms and a graphic description of the
disease cycle. Students should include these elements in their factsheets as well.
Each student should submit his/her own factsheet that is written independently of other
members of the group. Students are encouraged to work together to identify the
components and general outline of the factsheet but each factsheet needs to be the
original work of each student.
Factsheets should be approximately 1200 words in length which translates to 3-5 pages
double-spaced, 12 point font. Factsheets less than 3 pages, double-spaced will not
receive full points. Please submit the factsheet as a hard copy only in color (no emailed
attachments) at the beginning of the lab on November 9, 2016. Factsheets
handed in late will not receive full credit.