An Empirical Analysis of Attributes Influencing Choicing Shopping Mall by Customers in Dubai
An Empirical Analysis of Attributes Influencing Choicing Shopping Mall by Customers in Dubai
Abstract (200 words) – Articulate the abstract after the completion of your research
Introduction: Introduction must be well written with adequate parenthetical (in-text) citations, first write about shopping malls in general around the word then in United Arab Emiratis after that use the information I uploaded about malls in Dubai
¬ Research motivation
¬ Research questions or purpose or objectives of study
¬ 1.
¬ 2.
¬ 3.
¬ .
¬ .
Review of Relevant Literature: Thorough Review of Relevant Literature – past studies relevant to your research area. use the information I uploaded about malls in Dubai and add Ambiance of the malls (as an attribute)
TABLE 1 : Consumer Preferences Attributes (need it before 24 feb.)
Add Ambiance of the malls (as an attribute) use the information I uploaded about malls in Dubai
Research Methodology – For research methodology, we will use an operational research model called analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Please read literature on it. AHP has been used in thousands of thesis/dissertations, academic journal publications, and in governmental agencies.
Data source and Discussion: – With respect to data source and discussion, we will use AHP-based survey questionnaire [Design the survey questionnaire before 24 Feb I need to submit it. it need to be based on the Consumer Preferences Attributes (look at the samples of the other projects)
After the professor approval, I will conduct the survey and send you the result to analyses it].
Data Analysis and Discussion: We will use either a spreadsheet/excel which is very powerful in modeling and data analysis or Expert Choice software.
Results and Discussion: Thorough discussion of the empirical results
Conclusion and Managerial Implications: Discuss the most important aspects of the paper and the implications for managers.
Limitations: Challenges faced while working on the research project,
References: List of the sources used for the research project.
Writing Guidelines to use
¬ Use double space single column, one-inch margins (1”) all-round (Top, bottom,
left, and right.
¬ References and parenthetical citations should be prepared in accordance with
APA Publication Manual 5th Edition
¬ Use Times New Roman, 12 points
Important Note:
Design the survey questionnaire before 24 Feb I need to submit it for approval. it need to be based on the Consumer Preferences Attributes (look at the smples of the other projects)