Effective Leadership Strategies used in Healthcare Leaders

Effective Leadership Strategies used in Healthcare Leaders

Literature Review

According to Madden (2013), effective leaders in healthcare organizations lead by example. Since everything they do or say is often subject to intense scrutiny, they conduct their action, decisions and personality set a tone for the entire healthcare organization. They do this while knowing that almost every employee looks up to them as a role model. Also, effective leaders encourage participation and inclusion since they acknowledge that good ideas can come from anyone. It also a good way to encourage learning from other practitioners. Madden (2013) further states that by creating an environment that fosters participation the, the leaders can construct a broader channel of creating thinking.

Effective leaders in healthcare have a habit of being empathetic and more than often exhibit the tendencies common in spiritual leadership by tapping into their emotional character (Sweeney and Fry, 2012). They can understand their subordinates character and provide a grace period for improvement. For instance, not all gaffes are punishable. However, repeats are subject to confrontation.  It is, therefore, accurate to state that they also have a limit. They also practice emotional intelligence alongside showing empathy that allows them to regulate their emotions in a way that it will not interfere with prudent decision-making.  The endeavor thus makes them able to bypass emotions and guide them to make rational decisions using sensitive information (Sweeney and Fry, 2012).

According to West et al., (2011), effective leaders in healthcare engage staff in all forums which in turn promotes organizational productivity either in patient outcomes, safety, and quality of healthcare. One way that effective leaders use to engage their staff is through the utilization of the performance appraisal process. West et al., (2011) states that performance appraisals help staff members in improving how well they perform their duties as well as makes them feel valued by their leaders. It is also instrumental in setting objectives of their work. Therefore positive healthcare outcomes become achievable using a leading strategy that encourages engagement.

San Park and Hyun Kim (2009) implore that effective leaders create and use organizational culture as a means to drive in desired outcomes in a healthcare setting. The leaders acknowledge that for quality to be achieved there has to be a direction, arrangement and set objectives that require realization. The acknowledgment, therefore, drives leaders to create inspiring visions at every operationalized level. It also shows them the need to design clear and aligned objectives for all levels and departments. Thus once a culture created based on these attributes adheres to the institution can credit itself to delivering quality healthcare to patients.

Bell and Breslin (2008) share that effective leaders communicate the change to their staff members using appropriate channels. They not only communicate change using the right channels but also involve them in the change process. The undertaking is prudent since it will prevent healthcare employees from feeling sidelined undervalues and as if their input on the subject of change does not matter. Bell and Breslin, (2008) add-on by stating that effective leaders seek input from their junior on their thoughts about change proposals, what should be amended, and how its implementation should occur. By communicating change, leaders can make their employees committed and loyal to the organization. It also makes staff member aligned with the organization culture.




Bell, J., & Breslin, J. M. (2008). Healthcare provider moral distress as a leadership challenge. JONA’S healthcare law, ethics, and regulation, 10(4), 94-97.

Madden, M. (2013). Top 8 Practices of Effective Healthcare Leaders. Career Strategies Series, 1-2.

San Park, J., & Hyun Kim, T. (2009). Do types of organizational culture matter in nurse job satisfaction and turnover intention? Leadership in Health Services, 22(1), 20-38.

Sweeney, P. J., & Fry, L. W. (2012). Character development through spiritual leadership. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 64(2), 89.

West, M., Dawson, J., Admasachew, L., & Topakas, A. (2011). NHS staff management and health service quality. London: Department of Health.