- an introduction to your dissertation
- a draft version of your literature review
- an outline of the methodology and research methods
- A research timetable or Gantt chart with planned milestones
- A completed ethics form
Length: 3,000 words.
Your work must have a title page with your name and the name of your supervisor.
This work is the first draft of the early chapters of your final dissertation. You do NOT need an abstract or executive summary. You will need a list of contents and list of references, which do not count towards the word limit.
Assessment 1 Marking Criteria
Introduction (20 marks)
- With the help of your supervisor, you have identified an appropriate research problem
- You have a clear research aim and objectives
Literature review (25 marks)
- You have collected and evaluated information from a variety of academic and valid sources, to survey the literature in your chosen area of study
· You have synthesised the information in that literature into a summary, presented as an argument not a list or bibliography
· You have critically analysed the information gathered by identifying gaps in current knowledge; by showing limitations of theories and points of view; and by formulating areas for further research and reviewing areas of controversy
Research methodology (25 marks)
- Your explain and justify your research methodology, and demonstrate an understanding of appropriate research theory
- You describe your proposed data sampling and data gathering strategies
- You describe your proposed method(s) of analysis
Report writing (20 marks)
- Your report is an effective piece of communication; clear, structured and written with good UK English grammar and spelling
- Your work is fully referenced and exactly follows the appropriate referencing convention (Harvard system or legal referencing for legal research)
- You keep between the maximum and minimum word limits
Planning and presentation (10 marks)
- You have a title page with your name and the name of your supervisor
- You have planned your research timetable and presented this in an appropriate format.
- You include a signed PDF of your completed ethics form
Maximum marks: 100
Assessment 2
This assessment is worth 80% of your module marks.
By 1200 on Tuesday 24th April 2017 you must submit oNE comb bound copy of your final dissertation and a CD with your dissertation saved in two different formats: a single MS Word file containing the whole dissertation, and a pdf file of your dissertation. The bound copy is to be covered with BLUE card and should include your name on the cover. Use the template provided for your cover and title page.
This work is based on assessment 1 and it should repeat and extend it.
Assessment 2 (Dissertation) Marking Criteria
Abstract and Introduction (20marks)
- Your abstract is a short, accurate overview of the work and the key findings
- You have an appropriate research problem
- You have a clear research aim and objectives
- The reader is fully informed of the nature and structure of the dissertation
Literature review (20 marks)
- You have collected and evaluated information from a variety of academic and valid sources to survey the literature in your chosen area of study
· You have synthesised the information in that literature into a summary, presented as an argument not a list or bibliography
· You have critically analysed the information gathered by identifying gaps in current knowledge; by showing limitations of theories and points of view; and by formulating areas for further research and reviewing areas of controversy
Research methodology, data gathering and analysis (20 marks)
- Your research approach and design is theoretically justified in the context of your research philosophy and the aim of the study
- You use initiative and personal responsibility to gather valid data
- You accurately analyse your data
- Your research is ethical
Discussion and Conclusion (20 marks)
- You summarise, appraise and evaluate the results of your research
- You demonstrate the achievement of the aim of the research and propose answers to the research problem
- You make recommendations for the application of your findings and/or further research
Report writing (10 marks)
- Your report is an effective piece of communication; clear, structured and written with good UK English grammar and spelling
- Your work is fully referenced and exactly follows the appropriate referencing convention (Harvard system or legal referencing as appropriate)
- You keep between 9,000 and 11,000 words in the main body of text
The dissertation (10 marks)
- You demonstrate systematic understanding of specialist and current knowledge
- You have achieved a major piece of academic work that is coherent and resolved
- You appreciate the uncertainty and limits of present knowledge and the possibility of new knowledge