What are the differences between Matsushita and Sony’s products?

What are the differences between Matsushita and Sony’s products?

Decision Forcing Questions

  • What are the differences between Matsushita and Sony’s products?
  • What are the differences between Matsushita and Sony’s supply priorities?
  • Why did Matsushita and Sony’s former supply chains mismatch their product characteristics with their supply priorities?
  • What are the advantages of manufacturing in China? What are the disadvantages of manufacturing in China?


Challenge Questions

  • Whose supply chain reengineering strategy is a short-term solution and whose is a long-term solution?
  • What are the pros and cons of these strategies?


The report should be at least one page, single space, 1 inch margins, and #12 fond. If you don’t follow this format, you will lose 2 points.


he report should be at least

one page

, single space, 1 inch margins, and #12 fond. If you don’t follow this


format, you will lose 2 points.
