Cues-to-Action in initiating Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Cues-to-Action in initiating Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

The two articles I critiqued presented to me were “Cues-to-Action in initiating Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender-

related policies among Magnet hospital chief nursing officers” I will be referring to this article as “article 1” and “Navigating

the System: How Transgender individuals engage in health care services”. I will be referring to this article by stating “article

2”. Both articles were compared to each other using the five items below and a summary of what I learned from the articles

will be presented below also.

  1. Identify the primary research question for each study: The primary question for article 2 was not really a question but the article had a purpose by presenting Transgender individuals experience with healthcare to gain a better understanding of their needs so that healthcare providers can provide better care for this population and possibly advocate for change in policies that contribute to the health disparities. The purpose of this grounded theory study was to construct a theoretical framework that depicts the process by which transgender individuals engage in healthcare. The primary research question in article 1 was does homonegativity have a negative effect on employment recruitment and retention and patient satisfaction? This study investigated demographic variable effect as a predictor for agreement to a given cue- to- action.
  2. Identify if there was a theoretical framework/theory for each study. (Note: if a study does not mention one, then note that.)Article 2 does mention a theoretical framework of navigating the system also this article was a grounded theory study that wanted to construct a theoretical framework that depicts the process by which transgender individuals (TIs) engage in healthcare. The framework of navigating the system can provide healthcare providers with a way to understand how TIs engage in health care. Article 1 does have a theory mentioned in this study; The Health Belief Model (HBM). This framework has been a useful tool in examining the effects of homonegativity and self-efficacy around Magnet-designed Chief Nursing Officers (CNOs). Other studies have used this framework to examine elements of the model as they relate to health care professional’s behaviors. This article also mentioned innovative models of care that are designed to provide improvement in the quality of healthcare; advocacy as one of the core values. This research article suggest that there is a lapse in leadership among nurse administrators when it is a matter of advocacy on behalf of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) patient population.
  3. Describe the variables for each study:The variables in article 2 were the dependent variable of the 25 Tis interviewed. The independent variables were the interviews, data analysis, open coding, category formation, and theoretical coding. The variables in Article 1 were the Chief Nursing Officers as the dependent variable. The independent variables were the cues-to-action surveys, demographic surveys both institutional and personal. These surveys were used to assess what impact variables might have on cues-to-action such as age, sex, religiosity, location and region.
  4. Describe how the methods differed: Both articles use interviews and questionnaires as a method. The surveys in article 1 collected basic sociodemographic data descriptive of both the participants and their area of practice. In article 2 this grounded theory study used narrative data to identify psychosocial processes that individuals experience in response to a common challenge. I found it interesting that article 2 posted flyers on transgender websites and online support groups to recruit participants and Article 1 only mailed questionnaires to CNOs of Magnet-designed hospitals. Article 1’s method was based mostly on demographics while article 2 was based on TIs experience with health care.
  5. Compare the results of the studies:The results of Article 1 revealed that of the 114 subjects in the analysis of demographics who reported their biological sex, 89.5% of the sample was female. The age group was 55-64 years of age (58.3%). The majority indicated their sexual orientation as heterosexual at 89%. Majority of the participants revealed somewhat religious (57.0%). The practice location was mainly in the Midwest at 38.3%.The location of practice was mainly urban at 56.5%. The religious affiliation associated with institutions was no religious affiliation at 74.8%. A chi-square test was conducted to compare professional cues-to-action. These findings suggest ways in which nursing education might consider cultural, geographical, and regional contexts to development of LGBT-specific training. This study would require more research. Article 2 used the core process of navigating the system with the four sub processes listed in the article. The framework indicates that to combat erasure, health care agencies need to be more knowledgeable and sensitive to the healthcare needs of TIs and to advocate for change in health policies that impede their receiving optimal care. Article 1 used more statistics in their study then article 2. Both studies need more research.

By critiquing these articles I learned that there are different types of research studies some are quantitative studies and

others qualitative studies. By reading these articles I found out that article one used a quantitative method because it used

methods to measure variables and collecting data that resulted in statistical calculated results. I found article 2 used a

qualitative method because the findings organized are according to major themes or theory processes and categories were

identified. It also had a sampling approach and analytical strategies. Article 2 did mention the word credibility and

trustworthiness that opened my eyes to say this met criteria in a qualitative study. Both studies had a component of a

problem statement and purpose in regards to either the LGBT community or TIs. Both had methods for measuring variables

and collecting data. Both reviewed past literature and noted it in the study. I found it very difficult in critiquing these research

studies. With more practice I hope I can become proficient in critiquing research reports.