Choose some behaviour, or belief which is of interest to you and in approximately one paragraph describe how this issue is related to Age, Gender and/or Marital Status.

Choose some behaviour, or belief which is of interest to you and in approximately one paragraph describe how this issue is related to Age, Gender and/or Marital Status.

The belief of interest centres on gender. According to the belief, the society viewed men superior to women. As a result, the community appraised men as compared to women. Moreover, the superiority and dominion of men led to women being discriminated at some level within the society. Also, the overall superiority, supremacy, and discrimination resulted to the gender stereotype. By definition, gender stereotype is a human behavior of labeling an individual according to their gender of being a man or women.

In this case, the society viewed women as lesser beings in performance as compared to men. Hence, women stand restricted to house duties while men held and continue to hold office work. Besides, if allowed office work, women held assigned lesser roles (Cha, 2013). Women held excluded from leadership positions neither given opportunities in work involving sciences, technology, and engineering among others. Women are stereotyped against such jobs, as they are considered inferior. Additionally, the job positions are viewed challenging to their intellectual ability.

  1. b) State several inter-related hypotheses about your issue, that you would like to examine

On matters of interrelated hypothesis, this work seeks to analyze whether men are superior to women when it comes to leadership roles and technology-related job opportunities and performance. In the modern society, women have worked effortlessly, in technology, engineering, and science industries. They have not only worked effortlessly but also performed exceptionally. Besides, women have gone ahead to empower their fellow women to take up science courses as they are no longer viewed as men specialty. Furthermore, women have also assumed leadership roles, not only organizations but also in governmental offices and positions. As a result, this turn of events has hypothesized that women perform even much better than men do when accorded leadership roles. The exceptional performance is not only revealed in the field of science, technology or engineering but also in governance and politics (Dodge, Valcore, & Gomez, 2011).

  1. c) Provide some substantiation for your hypotheses, i.e. a theoretical / empirical basis. i.e. go to the library; use the internet, check course texts etc. (12 Marks)

Theoretically, the dominance theory (Guimond, Dambrun, Michinov, & Duarte, 2003) reflects on the concept that explains the reason why women are viewed inferior to men. The theory considered women of being lowest hierarchical within the society. On the other hand, the theory gives superiority power to men while thinking them high in the hierarchy system within the organization (Zitek & Tiedens, 2011). Hence, the dominance theory traces the traditional root of viewing women as inferior social beings as part of the societal concept. In other words, the behavioral perspective that sees women incapable of leadership responsibilities stands deep rooted in the society.

Moreover, dominance theory also reflects a perspective of behavioral tendencies as indicated in men. The argument goes forth to affirm that the dominance individuals a tendency to have egocentric behavior that adverseness their progress and social responsibility (Fischer, Hanke, & Sibley, 2012). The theory attributes men with the egocentric behavior. The theory also considers men to hold a social responsibility that can only bring progress. On the other hand, women are considered subordinates and thus follow the instructions conveyed by their superiors. Therefore, this theoretical framework restricted women from performing household duties and thus not hold any leadership roles or offices. Besides, in the case of office work, women were restricted to hospitality, catering and secretarial duties. On the other hand, men were considered to hold managers roles in the fields of engineering, ICT, and aviation. Therefore, such a perception only stands being changed using education the society to come out of their backward cocoons.

  1. d) Identify the variables mentioned in your hypotheses and draw a simple path model showing their relationships to one another. (15 Marks)

The variables here are dependent and independent variables. In this case, the paper seeks to determine the relationship between women performance as the dependent variable and leadership roles as the independent variable. The other variable stands to indicate the relationship between women fulfillment in the field of science when compared to men. Likewise, research conducted by Commonwealth reported that women performed much better in leadership roles and responsibilities (Secretariat, 2010). The study also went forth to analyze the increase in profit margin and overall GDP in organizations and societies led by women. Therefore, women are not any lesser to men. Additionally, women perform better not only in leadership roles but also in science and technology-related studies and work.  As a result, a company like Google has embraced the work effort of women and thus incorporated them in their working industry (Google, 2009).

Furthermore, in terms of relation, the simple path model indicated that performance is not related to gender. In otherworld, both men and women perform better in their specialties. In the same way, women carried out at the same level as men in the field of sciences. On other perceptive women performed even much better in leadership roles. Therefore, performance stands not restricted to gender. Hence, a simple path diagram would indicate that both men and women perform almost equal in field of science and a slight difference in leadership roles.

According to the simple path model, women have the same capabilities in the areas of science technology, engineering and politics (Du Plessis & Barkhuizen, 2012). In the same way, when it came to performance gender is not a determinate in leadership roles and performance. In this case, women and men performed at the same level but only when given equal opportunities.  Therefore, the variables indicate a sharing of mutual relationship (King, 2016) regarding STEP, performance, leadership roles when it came to gender.

In conclusion, the society should provide equal opportunities to both female and male gender. A stereotype should not be a hindrance factor to performance and leadership.   After all, the society comprises of both male and female thus leading to mutual existence and cooperation.










Cha, Y. (2013). Overwork and the persistence of gender segregation in occupations. Gender & Societ. Retrieved January 31, 2013, from PsycARTICLES database:

Dodge, M., Valcore, L., & Gomez, F. (2011). Women on SWAT teams: separate but equal? Policin. An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 34(4), 699–712.

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Fischer, R., Hanke, K., & Sibley, C. (2012). Cultural and institutional determinants of social dominance orientation: A cross-cultural meta-analysis of 27 societie. Political Psychology, 33, 437-467. .

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Guimond, S., Dambrun, M., Michinov, N., & Duarte, S. (2003). Does social dominance generate prejudice? Integrating individual and contextual determinants of intergroup cognition. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84, 697-721.

King, W. (2016). Simple Path Analysis. Retrieved from

Secretariat, C. (2010). Ninth Commonwealth Women’s Affairs Ministers Meeting. Gender Issues in Economic Crisis, Recovery and Beyond: Women as Agents of Transformation. Bridgetown: Barbado.

Zitek, E. M., & Tiedens, L. (2011). The fluency of social hierarchy: The ease with which hierarchical relationships are seen, remembered, learned, and liked. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 102, 98-115. doi: 10.1037/a0025345 .