Applied Process for Problem Solving

Applied Process for Problem Solving

This assignment will give you practice applying the elements of thought and intellectual standards to develop a solution to a problem.

  1. Read The Art of Asking Essential Questionspages 2-7, 19, 20.  (for eBook readers, Part One: Analytic Questions – Questioning the Structure of things and Questioning in Decision-Making and Problem Solving.  Read The Thinkers Guide to Analytical Thinking pages 26 and 27 (Part 3: Using Analysis to Figure Out the Logic of Anything: Analyzing Problems section).
  2. Identify a work or personal problem or situation you encountered over the past 2-3 weeks that was YOUR responsibility to solve – NOT a description of a co-worker or family members problem.
  3. Analyze and evaluate the problem or situation using steps 1-4 on the APPS GUIDE.
  4.  Read the rubric to ensure maximum points.
  5. Upload your analysis and evaluation here using this TEMPLATE.  Your answer should represent your understanding of the problem or situation and your recommendation(s) for moving forward (or not).
  6. Complete and document all steps, including the reflective step at the end.
  7. Because your answers may be personal, I will not share them with the class.

My expectations are for you to take what you know, what you have learned in this class, and your personal goals for the world you want to create, and provide a reasoned belief about the problem or situation. It’s okay to weigh feedback from others, but ultimately, you must come to your own decisions and conclusions.


Grading criteria I will use this rubric to assess your performance on the APPS assignment.

Description of Problem
Fails to describe problem


Describes problem to be solved.


Situation analysis
Fails to analyze the situation based on • Points of view • Purposes • Problems/questions • Information • Concepts • Assumptions


Analyzes the situation using at least 3 of the following. •Points of view •Purposes •Problems/questions •Information •Concepts •Assumptions


Analyzes the situation using all of the following: •Points of view •Purposes •Problems/questions •Information •Concepts •Assumptions


Problem definition
Fails to evaluate the situation based on: • Clear and precise • Accurate and logical • Relevant, significant, deep, and broad • Ethical and Fair


Evaluates the situation based on at least 5 of the following. •Clear and precise •Accurate and logical •Relevant, significant, deep, and broad •Ethical and Fair


Evaluates the situation based on all of the following. •Clear and precise •Accurate and logical •Relevant, significant, deep, and broad •Ethical and Fair


Problem Solution
Fails to provide evidence that you have • Usedassumptions, concepts, and information identified in your research. • Gathered data, built and validated models, applied logic – all iteratively until you are satisfied. • Checked for biases and deductive fallacies. • Reviewed conclusions and possible consequences of your recommendations.


•Uses assumptions, concepts, and information identified in your research. •Provides evidence that you have checked for biases and deductive fallacies. •Provides evidence that you have reviewed possible consequences of your recommendations.


•Uses assumptions, concepts, and information identified in your research. •Shows evidence that you have gathered data, built and validated models, applied logic – all iteratively until you are satisfied. •Provides evidence that you have checked for biases and deductive fallacies. •Provides evidence that you have reviewed possible consequences of your recommendations.


Fails to provide evidence that you have: • Asked others to provide feedback on the process and on the outcome. • Noted when you were in a divergent phase (thinking broadly, brainstorming) versus when you were in a convergent phase (coming to a conclusion, agreeing on the path forward). • Made notes for the future.


Provides evidence that you have done at least 2 of the following: •Asked others to provide feedback on the process and on the outcome. •Noted when you were in a divergent phase (thinking broadly, brainstorming) versus when you were in a convergent phase (coming to a conclusion, agreeing on the path forward). •Made notes for the future.


Provides evidence that you have done all 3 of the following: •Asked others to provide feedback on the process and on the outcome. •Noted when you were in a divergent phase (thinking broadly, brainstorming) versus when you were in a convergent phase (coming to a conclusion, agreeing on the path forward). •Made notes for the future.
