An analysis of the Arab spring revolution, using the youth bulge theory, its impact on the Libyan revolution
An analysis of the Arab spring revolution, using the youth bulge theory, its impact on the Libyan revolution
The word count does not include the bibliography. i have stated 20 references so please only put in the bibliography what was actually read as there will be inspections and questions on each reference used to make sure it was actually used rather than just added in without any reference used whatsoever. so please be careful about that. ALSO PLEASE DO NOT PLAGIARISE WHATSOEVER AS it is a big penalty, which is very serious. Please at all cost please once again do not plagiarize •Do not use Wikipedia or similar non-academic Internet sources. Please put a word count on the cover sheet. It is crucial that the essay contain proper referencing and a correctly compiled bibliography. The essay should not merely summarize the approach in question. Instead, it should indicate your ability to critically engage with the subject matter.