Alcoholics anonymous

Alcoholics anonymous

  1. Identify and briefly describe a population (alcoholics anonymous) that you are working with in field that could benefit from a group-based intervention.  How did this population come to your attention?
  1. 2. Using the required readings and course syllabus as a guide to the literature, what are three key values or benefits of using a group approach with this population?
  1. Feeling normal – or all in the same boat
  1. Opportunity to hide
  1. Evoking different and new aspects of one=s personality
  1. Creating new behavioral norms
  1. Imitating behavior
  1. Growth through giving
  1. All of us are smarter than any one of us
  1. Reliving early family life
  1. Development of social skills
  1. Appreciating diversity
  1. Getting the job done
  1. Empowerment