Describe and comment on B2B relationships and networks using appropriate concepts and models

Describe and comment on B2B relationships and networks using appropriate concepts and models

  1. Describe and comment on B2B relationships and networks using appropriate concepts and models
  2. Topic; What are derived demand and the accelerator effect and how do they impact on the B2B market?




Study the academic literature and write a 1,500 word seminar paper on the topic allocated to you. As the term “seminar paper” is used in a variety of ways by different lecturers, the following information explains how it is understood in this module. Your seminar paper summarises reading on a set topic allocated to you by the Module Leader. It addresses the set topic, refers to business-to-business marketing concepts and models, and sets up a seminar discussion. You may include diagrams and tables (these are not included in the word-count). Your paper must refer to the module’s set text Brennan et al. (2007 or 2014). The 2007 edition is available as an ebook via the UCLan library. Your paper should also refer to other texts listed in the MK3123  MIP reading list and can include other business-to-business marketing literature too. Your referenced seminar paper should be written in third person academic style and include headings such as:

  • Introduction
  • Headings relating to your main points
  • Conclusion
  • Seminar questions (to promote a lively discussion on your topic with your module colleagues)
  • References

Marking Criteria

Credit will be given for:

  • Quality of sources
  • Depth of understanding of concepts and models relevant to business-to-business marketing
  • Application of the theory to practice, demonstrated by reference to examples of current business-to-business marketing practice
  • Evidence of critical analytical thinking
  • Quality of presentation slides and quality of presentation delivery
  • Accurate Harvard Comply with the LBS guide to referencing.
  • Standard of concise academic writing and correct format as specified on page 2 of this



  • A professional standard of presentation is required
  • Page 1 of your Word document should contain your name, the assignment title, and your

Declaration in respect of plagiarism:


‘I confirm that this assignment which I have submitted is all my own work and the source of any information or material I have used (including the internet) has been fully identified and properly acknowledged as required in the departmental guidelines I received.’


  • Your assignment should start on page 2 of your document
  • 12 point Arial or Times New Roman
  • 5 line spacing
  • 2 cm margins on all sides
  • Include headings
  • Include a page number on every sheet


Research and referencing

It is not appropriate to refer to lecture notes in this assignment, you need to read widely and refer to your reading in the assignment. You should use reliable academic sources published in English. Additional sources can be used to provide UK and international business-to-business marketing practice evidence such as trade or professional journal articles, reliable websites (e.g. those run by accredited professional bodies like the CIM), and evidence from organisations. Use your sources to support statements you make. Sources such as Wikipedia are not acceptable.


Your bibliography should contain only details of the sources you mention in your work. These references should be provided in Harvard style. Your in-text references should include page numbers. See the LBS guide to referencing.


Writing and presentation

Writing should be in third person, be of a good academic standard with correct spelling and grammar. Poor writing will be penalised. Proof-check your work carefully. A professional standard of presentation is required.