media group reflection report about Jessica Sharville
media group reflection report about Jessica Sharville
Creative Media: Documentary Video
- Individual pre-production research report (2000 words)
I am the director in this group project, I am a leader and tell everyone what should they do and please look at the requirement and see what the director should do and write and reflection report about this project. The link below is Jessica Sharville printing you can have a look and get some idea to write this report. thanks
This should be in the form of continuous prose and should reflect your personal research for the project and on the documentary genre to date. It must contain critical references to reading undertaken and films viewed. It should include:
- Critical reflection on what you have learnt which may be useful for you project from viewing at least 3 documentaries such as for instance about approaches or techniques relevant to your proposed project as a whole or your own role on it. You should draw on your own responses to films viewed as well as your critical reading on the documentary genre.
Reflection on your own production research to date e.g. on practice for your role, exercises undertaken, subject research. This should include reflection on your contribution to the production of the pilot material Some pointers on what issues you should show awareness of in relation to roles: Camera – creative thinking on how visual approach will address story/subject/theme, key lighting challenges at proposed locations, framing, equipment requirements and limitations, subject research. Sound – creative thinking on how sound recording/design will address subject/theme, key sound challenges at proposed locations, microphone selection, subject research. Editor – creative thinking on how editing will address subject/theme, key challenges for structuring proposed project, scheduling and organising the edit, subject research. Production management (all team members) – logistical issues, permissions/consents needed, scheduling required, budgetary considerations, any copyright issues and how these could be resolved; Director – creative thinking on how story will be told,/subject/theme explored, notes on contributors/source materials, subject research, If you are in a team of less than 4 people one person will need to double up and take the director’s role on location as well as doing either sound or camera. The director and editor should not be the same person. You are all however expected to contribute to the creative development and research for the project. You should also attach to your individual report: Minutes of group meetings noting who was present, (or absent) summary of points considered and action decided. Minute keeping should be delegated to someone in the team