Improving Practice through Action Learning and Research
Improving Practice through Action Learning and Research
Instructions please open the uploaded folder named proposal to be used j read it then proceed with the below instructions
Undertake the study
Detailed description of how each of the ‘look’, ‘think’ and ‘act’ stages were carried out including references to the literature.
Demonstrates very high achievement of the action research routine with sound outcomes. Includes sound and clear description of the how the study was conducted – links very well to a very relevant and well constructed literature review
Conclusion / Outcomes
Summary of the project and description of the outcomes of the study including the impact it is expected to have on the professional area.
Very sound summary and description of the outcomes of the study with relevant and interesting links to the well constructed literature review.
Minimum of 2-3 graphs
Minimum of 2-3 figures
Minimum of 2-3 tables or diagrams
Minimum of 10 slides appendix
Examine teaching and/or unit evaluations to identify areas of improvement in teaching practice or the student experience.
Use appropriate action research methodologies to design and implement an action learning project that addresses an identified issue or need.
Evaluate the results of the action learning project and develop a plan for the modification of the teaching-learning process in a nominated unit/course.
Apply discipline knowledge.
Thinking skills (use analytical skills to solve problems).
Use the below 28 refrences
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