Determinants of entrepreneurial success
Determinants of entrepreneurial success
The objective of this assignment is to link the course material on determinants of entrepreneurial success (Part 1) and more advanced topics of entrepreneurship (Part 2) to the information in the biography of a successful entrepreneur. You have to show that you have read and understood a biography and the course material of Part 1 and Part 2; and are able to analyse the content of the biography using your knowledge of the course material.
In your report, you have to answer three questions, and substantiate the answers with examples, illustrations or quotes taken from the (auto)biography that you have read. In the lecture slides, I have given several examples of these illustrations and quotes. It is important that you do not just replicate the lecture slides, but use your own illustrations and quotes.
You will have to answer question 1 in your individual report (see below), and you have to answer 2 out of the 4 other questions listed below (questions 2-5). I advise you to choose to answer two questions with which you are able to provide good links to your biography. Some biographies discuss the topic of sustainable and social entrepreneurship extensively, while others focus on corporate entrepreneurship. Several biographies discuss the impact on the economy and quality of life.
1. What is the main determinant of success of the entrepreneur in your biography? Discuss traits and motivations, or the role of finance, or the business model and plan; or the role of incubators, clusters or the state.
Choose 2 out of the following 4 questions to answer in your report:
2. What are different types of business models of sustainable entrepreneurs?
3. What are the changes to an existing system that social entrepreneurs need to make in order to be successful?
4. What is corporate entrepreneurship, and what type of firms are able to promote and reap benefits of corporate entrepreneurship?
5. What is the impact of entrepreneurship on the economy and quality of life?