Critically discuss the possible options for financing the rehabilitation of drug users in order to maximize the relevant service-users’ experience with Mental health rehabilitation services.
Essay question: Critically discuss the possible options for financing the rehabilitation of drug users in order to maximize the relevant service-users’ experience with Mental health rehabilitation services.
Health systems world-wide have challenges and opportunities in deciding how to deliver or mobilizing there sources needed in improving health outcomes. This is there suit of issues around globalization, new ideas about how public sectors should be managed, and increased patient expectations for democracy in influencing the type of care and services, how they should get and where should get the care and services. Health systems managers face challenges in responding by making sophisticated decisions on what care to prioritize at what levels without wasting finite resources for health. The “Understanding Health Systems Finance” module is therefore appropriate for health studies undergraduates and professionals seeking new careers or progression within the health sector. The students will be administrators, care providers, policy-makers, and programme managers seeking to understand why some of the strategies used within health systems are developed for the delivery and financing of healthcare. Depending on their work experiences and type of organizations, students are introduced to concepts that are consistent with international commitments to increasing resources for public financing of essential healthcare and services.
Because all health systems have the same objective to improve the health of their citizens by guaranteeing protection against cost so fullness, the module provides students with an overview of the common tools, trends and policies used in financing healthcare and across the world.
2.1 It aims at preparing students in understand how these elements are influenced by differences in economic, political, demographic, social and epidemiological contexts of different health systems.
2.2 In addition they are prepared in analyzing to understand how health systems in different countries can learn from each other’s health financing strategies in order to improve health status of their citizens.
3.1 Module Outcomes
Students are particularly developed in making sense of the variety of challenges faced by health systems participants in managing resources for health. Those who complete the module become knowledgeable about the strategies for financing health. They will also be able to critically appraise individual financing mechanisms to understand their theoretical and practical benefits in different health systems.
3.2 Competencies
Among the competencies, the module helps the students in contextualizing health financing strategies so that they are:
• Better understanding sustainable health financing mechanisms that improve health outcomes (Analytical and Interpretive competencies)
• Demonstrating the skills needed in appraising healthcare financing strategies (Technical competencies)
• Identify opportunities and challenges in mobilizing resources for essential health services in light of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) (Interpretive/Integrative competencies)
The following reading and other learning resources are prescribed and recommended in order for students to comprehend issues covered in the module:
4.1 Core Textbooks
4.1.1 Glennerster H (2009) Understanding the finance of welfare: What welfare costs and how to pay for it. (2nd Ed) Bristol, The Policy Press
4.1.2 Gottrett P, Schreiber G (2006) Health Financing Revisited: A practitioners’ guide.Available at:, The World Bank, Washington
4.2 Recommended Textbooks
4.2.1 Gruen R., Howarth, A. (2005) Managing, Health Services Finance Maidenhead, Open University Press
4.2.2 Mossalios E, Dixon A, Figueras J, Kutzin J (2002) Funding healthcare: options for Europe. Maidenhead, Open University Press.
4.2.3 Wonderling D, Gruen R, Black N (2005) Introduction to health economics. Berkshire, Open University Press