Café Des Amis case study

Café Des Amis case study

Part 2: This is about the Café Des Amis case study. Structure your answer around the 3 questions (approx. 450 words each). The following are ideas to help you answer the question.
Write about several ways that the functional activities must fit together so that the business is successful. Identify things that could go wrong if functions are not aligned. Weeks 7-11 of the course covered this.
Study the profit and loss account for Café des Amis.. Try to identify any costs that could be lowered in any way or where revenue could be raised. Try to evaluate what impact these actions could have on customer satisfaction.
Find some information on Pizza Express and compare things that are similar or different to Café Des Amis. Focus on the needs of their customers. The Pizza Express website is useful and there is a restaurant here in Greenwich.
Further guidance will be given in lectures and tutorials leading up to the deadline dates for each coursework. Make sure you clearly understand what you must do. Ask your tutor if you are at all unsure. Good luck.

5.3 Rules for anonymous submission and marking:
The University has adopted anonymous marking on most courses, as research shows that this is the fairest and most equitable approach for all students.

Therefore, unless instructed by the course leader to use a non-anonymous approach for a particular reason, you are required to ensure you do not include your name anywhere on your work, i.e. it must not appear on the front of the document, in the text, in headers and footers etc. In addition, you must ensure that the file that you upload is only identified by ID number and does not have a name that can identify you.

When you upload in TurnItIn you will be asked to give your submission a title – again DO NOT use your own name in this title.

The Business Faculty has made allowances that some assignment topics will not be submitted anonymously; this includes some portfolios and all final year dissertations/projects. If you are in doubt, please talk to your course leader.
Please list your books using Harvard referencing system as in your PPD1 notes-
Wilson, J (Ed) (2012), International Human Resource Development, London, Kogan Page.

Journal articles could be listed in the following way:-
Sloman, M & Reynolds, J (2003), ‘Developing the E-learning community’, Human Resource Development International, Vol 6(2) pp 259-72.

Magazine articles could be listed in the following way:-
Sloman, M (2004), ‘No pipe dream’, People Management, 10 (23) pp 38-9
Brown, B (2014), ‘Future Leaders at play’, Training and Development, 4 (68) pp24-6

When featuring ‘third parties’:-
Rainbird, H (1993), ‘Vocational Education and Training’, in Gold, M (Ed), The Social Dimension: Employment policy in European Community, London, Macmillan, pp 184-202.
Web references- please show complete reference and date