An action plan for organizational change
An action plan for organizational change
A systematic plan which demonstrates mastery of course content and the ability to apply the course learnings (including change and conflict models and strategies) in a real world setting.
1. Identify the type of organization within which change will be implemented
2. Discuss the need for change (what problem, gap, etc. exists that warrants change), including stakeholder analysis (i.e. key decision makers and those affected by/having a stake in the proposed change).
3. Clearly articulate the proposed change, which must demonstrate congruence with stated need for change.
4. Identify the organizational readiness for change
5. Identify the change agent and his or her role in the change plan/process
6. Include a model for change that is customized to the particular organizational setting. (Identify the model – Kotter, Harvey etc., if a hybrid model is used, discuss which aspects were incorporated from which models and why)
7. Describe the steps of the change process (as per the model selected) with adequate examples.
8. Take into account such relevant aspects of the change process as:
-Various sources of resistance and strategies to address them
-The influence of organizational culture as it relates to change/conflict
-The application of conflict management skills
-Making the change “stick” (institutionalization of change)