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Read the following article:
Too many disasters are nationalized, By Matt A. Mayer
In his article, he states:
“The devastation wrought by Hurricane Sandy will drain down the funds remaining in the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Disaster Relief Fund and push the National Flood Insurance Program further into debt. With the rapidly approaching federal fiscal cliff, it’s time we had a serious national discussion over the future of these programs” (para. 1).
To put this in perspective, let’s examine the yearly average of FEMA declarations by presidential term:
• Ronald Reagan, 28
• George H.W. Bush, 43.5
• Bill Clinton, 89.5
• George W. Bush 129.6
• Barack Obama, 153.
Keep in mind, America has not had a major earthquake in years, and only two hurricanes have made landfall in the past four years.
1. Are there too many disaster declared?
2. Is this being abused?
Should homeowners be allowed to rebuild in the same high-risk areas?