What strategies can be used to establish and maintain an effective and efficient pressure ulcer prevention program for patients undergoing surgery?

What strategies can be used to establish and maintain an effective and efficient pressure ulcer prevention program for patients undergoing surgery?

“Pressure Ulcer Prevention for Patients Undergoing Surgery: What strategies can be used to establish and maintain an effective and efficient pressure ulcer prevention program for patients undergoing surgery?” is a Dissertation of MSc Management in Health Care.

I will upload 2 Dissertation Samples for writer’s reference. Please follow the framework (format) of the samples.

What do you have to do in the Dissertation?

Briefly, in the Dissertation you need to:

  1. Decide on a workplace issue: Pressure Ulcer Prevention for Patients Undergoing Surgery: What strategies can be used to establish and maintain an effective and efficient pressure ulcer prevention program for patients undergoing surgery?
  2. Read around your topic area until you feel you have read widely enough to understand your topic. Write about what you have learnt about your topic in the Introduction and Background Chapter
  3. Once you have written your Introduction and Background Chapter, you will be able to decide on a research question which will guide your research. Remember, your Dissertation is a research project. The research question is: What strategies can be used to establish and maintain an effective and efficient pressure ulcer prevention program for patients undergoing surgery?
  4. Once you have decided on a clear research question (PRESSURE ULCER PREVENTION FOR PATIENTS UNDERGOING SURGERY: WHAT STRATEGIES CAN BE USED TO ESTABLISH AND MAINTAIN AN EFFECTIVE AND EFFICIENT PRESSURE ULCER PREVENTION PROGRAM FOR PATIENTS UNDERGOING SURGERY?), you need to search the literature to find articles to help you answer your research question.

It is very important to remember that these articles must be the most RELEVANT articles. They SHOULD NOT be articles that you have already discussed in your Introduction and Background chapter.

  1. Once you have chosen your articles (10 Articles: Qualitative, Quantitaive, RCTs, Cohort study etc), you need to critique them (the selected 10 articles must be the most releveant to the topic) using an appropriate critiquing framework (CASP). You need to do this to ensure that these articles are good research and worthy to be included in your work. You do this is the Results chapter.
  2. Once you are happy with the quality of your articles, you then need to examine what these articles are telling you. What are the findings of these pieces of research? How do they help you to answer your question? You do this in the Analysis chapter.


Dissertation Structure Template and Word Guide

The word limit for your dissertation is 20000 words. You must be careful not to exceed this limit.

The table below is given as a useful guide to the number of words you might use for each chapter of your dissertation.


Chapter number


– CONTENTS A detailed contents page may be 1 – 2 pages

– ABSTRACT 1-2 pages

  2. METHODOLOGY AND METHODS 3,000 – 4,000
  3. RESULTS 2,500 – 3,000
  4. ANALYSIS 3,000 – 4,000
  5. DISCUSSION 3,000 – 4,000

– REFERENCES Not counted in word limit

– APPENDICES Not counted in word limit


Dissertation Structure Template



Combine a short main title with a subtitle of greater detail.

Pressure Ulcer Prevention for Patients Undergoing Surgery: What strategies can be used to establish and maintain an effective and efficient pressure ulcer prevention program for patients undergoing surgery?

Make it concise and reflecting the scope of the review.




A simple numbered list to enable the reader to navigate their way through the paper easily and refer to specific examples when marking and giving feedback




It is customary to acknowledge your Supervisor, the Module Leader and anyone else who has actively helped or supported you in writing your Dissertation, e.g. the Course Leader, family, work colleagues.




A brief (less than 2 pages) summary of your Dissertation giving:


Aim of the dissertation

Method – Critical Literature Review

Results – the main themes




This is given at the beginning of your dissertation, but you do not write it until you have completed your dissertation




– In the introduction and background, you need to discuss your clinical area in some detail, referring to government and social policy issues, public health issues etc. You may want to refer to the Harvard Report and the Hospital Authority’s Annual Plan 2010-2011. This section needs to be well referenced

– Give clear Aim and Objectives to guide your Dissertation

– Set the context – you and your situation

– Signpost your paper – a paragraph that explains the structure of your dissertation


Next, give an overview of your topic, which clearly states the body of knowledge about your topic and therefore justifies your in-depth research, for example:


– Statistics about, for example, the incidence of smoking in adolescents in Hong Kong

– Possibly some information about risk assessment to reduce this – Some information about current prevention of smoking in adolescents. This will most likely be research from other countries and not possibly from Hong Kong


The Introduction and Background chapter is a review of the body of knowledge surrounding your topic. From this overview, you are then saying: “There is an increasing incidence of smoking in adolescents in Hong Kong and there is therefore a need for further in-depth research into the prevention of this problem”


Having completed your Introduction and Background chapter, you must clearly state your Research Question at the end of this chapter.

This chapter needs to be richly referenced.




One you have set your question, you need to work out what evidence you need to answer your question- (see Aveyard 2010). What evidence will be most useful to you – qualitative or quantitative or maybe both? Can you specify why?

The Methods section of the chapter is concerned with ‘WHAT?’ and ‘HOW?’ and is not normally referenced. State exactly what you did about searching for your articles, critical appraisal (CASP) and thematic analysis:


  • How did you search the literature?
  • What databases did you use? Give your reasons
  • What search terms did you use? Include the two Boolean search tables here
  • What inclusion and exclusion criteria did you use? Give your reasons for this
  • What critiquing framework did you use? Give your reasons for this
  • What method did you use to analyse your data, eg thematic analysis


Next, your chapter should include a richly referenced discussion of critical literature review as a research methodology.


This will also include your thoughts on why literature review is an appropriate methodology for your study.


Discuss, with references, the importance of being methodical when searching the literature. Explain why you must be precise about:


– Inclusion/exclusion criteria

– Choosing search terms

– Selecting and justifying databases

– Discuss, with references, critiquing the literature and the variety of critiquing methods (CASP, Katrak et al (2004) available for the articles you select

-Discuss, with references, the various ways of analysing other people’s research finding – reworking their findings and treating their findings as your data eg thematic analysis

– Discuss the ethical implications of literature review as a research methodology

– Ethical issues involved in using other peoples’ research findings for your own research

– The ethical need to be sure that information you use was, itself, collected ethically

– The need to be transparent in not claiming the work of others as your own


You must also show that you have a philosophical understanding of research in this chapter.





– How many papers did you find and what were they? RCTs? Surveys? Ethnographic studies?

– Were they what you were looking for?

– If you had a lot of hits, how did you reduce these to a reasonable number?

– If you had too few hits, did you have to widen the scope of your research question?

– Which articles did you select for your research? Were they easy to identify from your inclusion criteria? Discuss this in some detail as you will be awarded marks for this discussion (please see Marking Criteria in the Module Handbook under Methodological Rationale – Methods of Data Collection and Sampling

– Critique your articles using a recognised critiquing framework. Give these critiques in table format and put them in the Appendices

– Include Summary Grids in this Chapter

-In essay format, write a summary of the findings of your critiques (approximately 2,500 to 3000 words) supporting what you write with reference to the research literature




– What themes emerged and how did you identify them? Map these themes using a chart.

– Clearly list and explain the themes that emerge from your articles


Explain what all your articles tell you when you pull the themes together. Do your findings answer your question?




– What do the themes you identified above really mean? Discuss this at some length

– What implications are there for your practice?

– How can you use your findings in your practice?

– What benefits will your findings deliver to patients, their families, professionals and the organisation?

– How do these themes relate to the ideas that emerged in your Background Chapter?

– Having analysed the themes, do you think there is a need for further research?

– What are the ethical implications of your study

– What are the limitations of your study

– Limitations about the methodology

– About the methodology in relation to your topic

– About your use of the methodology eg language, number of articles used, first time researcher

– What have you learned about the topic and yourself as a researcher?




– The broad conclusions, drawing together your discussions and focussing on the themes you identified

– Key findings of your research – a brief statement about the themes you identified in the Analysis Chapter.

– What would you like to see done as a result of your research and your findings?

– How realistic are these ideas? Think about the culture of your workplace, resource and so on

– How practical are your ideas?

– How would you prioritise your recommendations?

Don’t just give a bullet point list – these need discussing



All references given in your Dissertation must be listed here according to the Harvard protocol. This must be a perfect match with the literature discussed in the body of your dissertation



– Remember, the Appendices are optional to the reader so do not put anything here that is essential to your paper

– All your articles

– Copy of the critiquing framework you used, if different from the ones we have recommended

– Your detailed FULL critiques of all of the articles

– Any other papers relevant to the reader

– Items in the Appendix should be clearly linked to the main text by a summary or a comment in your paper

– Strictly, the Appendices are not a formal part of your dissertation so it should not include material for which you want to gain marks