Assess Priorities and Planning for Change

Assess Priorities and Planning for Change

It is important to be able to accurately diagnose the higher priority needs for change in organizations and to develop a high-level process for initiating that change. Analyze the factors driving change and how these impact Google.

** The emphasis is not on how to change, but on what to change, and why. **

Demonstrate proficiency in the following competencies:

  • Assess the complex and dynamic nature of organizational change.
  • Analyze ways in which leaders and managers can effectively initiate, shape, and support organizational change.
  • Analyze the processes of change in people, groups, and organizations.
  • Communicate effectively in a professional manner.





Use Kotter’s 8 step model and one other change model, analyze aspects of the change needed for Google and include the following:

  • Describe a change challenge facing Google to sustain success.


  • List the factors that are driving change for Google.


  • Identify the type of change that is needed for Google. Use Figure 3.1 in the Mastering the Challenges of Leading Change text for identification.


  • Assess the organization’s readiness for change and ways to heighten awareness. Use the force field analysis model for this assessment.


  • Articulate recommendations for change for Google. These would be recommendations to eventually deliver to the organization’s executive leadership team. Make sure to support the recommendations with materials from the readings and from the analysis. ** The emphasis here is not on how to change, but on what to change, and why.






Gallos, J. (Ed.). (2006).  Organization development: A Jossey-Bass reader. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.  —–    Chapter 11, “Congruence Model.”


Ayad, M. (2014). Kotter’s 8 step organizational change model [Video] | Transcript. Retrieved from


Cawsey, T. F., Deszca, G., & Ingols, C. (2016). Organizational change: An action-oriented toolkit (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. ISBN: 9781483359304


Dallas, H. J. (2015). Mastering the challenges of leading change: Inspire the people and succeed where others fail. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. ISBN: 9781119102205.


Cohen, A. R., & Bradford, D. L. (2005). The influence model: Using reciprocity and exchange to get what you need. Journal of Organizational Excellence, 25(1), 57–80.


Kegan, R., & Lahey, L. L. (2001). The real reason people won’t change. Harvard Business Review, 79(10), 84–92.