How Do Media Moral Panics Operate To Instil Fear and Anxiety into Society about Young People In The UK?
How Do Media Moral Panics Operate To Instil Fear and Anxiety into Society about Young People In The UK?
(1) Review and critically appraise the literature on youth transitions and apply this to given scenario.
(2) Information is paraphased showing a coherent overview of the subject.
(3) Suitable evidence is identified and its significance commented upon.
(4) The work is written with sufficient focus upon the assignment brief, and is appropriately structured leading to suitable conclusion.
(5) There is evidence of reading from reading list and wider reading of both printed and web based material.
(6) Harvard referencing .
(7) Writing is in a consistent academic style. There is competent use of grammar, spelling, punctuation and vocabulary conveying clear and coherent meaning and there is evidence of proof reading and editing.
Reading List: The Making of Modern Youth Palgrave by Tebbutt,M.(2016). Youth Studies Routledge by Furlong, A.(2013). Sociology Polity by Giddens,A.(all edition). Youth & Crime Sage by Muncie,J(all editions). Young People and Social Change (2nd edition) open University Press by Furlong,A & Cartmel,F.(2007)