Barriers in the U.S. healthcare delivery system
Barriers in the U.S. healthcare delivery system
A person’s health may be greatly impacted by his or her access to timely, appropriate care. Yet, in the United States, there are marked differences among the quality of services that are available and each individual’s use of those services. The cost of healthcare, for instance, can greatly influence a person’s decision to visit the doctor or fill a prescription. What other factors impact healthcare-related decisions? In this Discussion, you will read three case studies that illustrate dilemmas related to cost, quality, and access to healthcare, and consider the potential influence these can have on a person’s health, financial standing, and quality of life.
To prepare for this Discussion:
- Read the Week 2 Discussion Case Studies.
- Select one case study on which to focus for this Discussion.
- Review the information presented in the Resources, including Chapter 12 in the Shi and Singh (2015) course text and the two resources you selected.
- Reflect on your selected case study and consider the following questions:
- Which barriers in the U.S. healthcare delivery system related to cost, quality, and/or access are evident in the case study?
- How could these barriers be addressed?
- How does the use of insurance influence concerns or decisions related to cost, quality, and/or access to care for the person in this case study?
Post by Day 4 a substantive and cohesive response to the following:
- Analyze one or more barriers in the U.S. healthcare delivery system related to cost, quality, and/or access that are evident in your selected case study.
- Describe a potential solution for each barrier you have identified.
- Explain how health insurance may influence concerns or decisions related to cost, quality, and/or access to care for the person in your selected case study.
Reminder: Be sure to cite your supporting documentation appropriately in correct APA format.
- Shi, L., & Singh, D. A. (2015). Delivering health care in America: A systems approach (6th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett.
- Chapter 12, “Cost, Quality, and Access” (pp. 464–500)
- Document: Week 2 Discussion Case Studies (PDF)
Select at least two resources from the following list (not Optional) to research topics for your Discussion posting and responses.
- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. (n.d.). Linking quality to payment. Retrieved from
- Gold, J. (2014). FAQ on ACOs: Accountable Care Organizations, explained. Kaiser Health News. Retrieved from
- Levi, J., Segal, L. M., Fuchs Miller, A., & Lang, A. (2013). A healthier America 2013: Strategies to move from sick care to health care in the next four years. Retrieved from
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Healthy People 2020. (2015). Foundation health measures. Retrieved from
Optional Resources
- American Hospital Association. (2014). Accountable Care Organizations: Findings from the survey of care systems and payment. Retrieved from
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2015). Healthy living. Retrieved from
- Institute of Medicine. (2014). Dying in America: Improving quality and honoring individual preferences near the end of life: Key findings and recommendations. Retrieved from
- National Institute of Standards and Technology. (2014). Four U.S. organizations honored with 2014 Baldrige National Quality Award [Press release]. Retrieved from