Community and Place Based Practice
- Take the 5 community narratives discussed in Taylor, Wilkinson and Cheers (TWC) (see Chapter 2 in Week 3 folder) and critically examine and apply all 5 of them to place based community practice using the case studies of 900 Neighbours and/or Claymore (you MUSTuse and cite TWC).
- Take 4 of the 30 principles for Community Development set out by Ifein Chapter 12 of the unit text and critically examine and apply all 4 of them to place based community practice (you MUSTuse and cite the unit Ife text).
- Discuss and critique the concept of Queer Friendly Neighbourhoods(QFNs) as set out in the reading by Gorman-Murray & Waitt(GMW) with particular reference to “symbolic landscapes of belonging” and consider the implications for place based community practice (you MUST use and cite GMW).
- What is the Creative Cities Discourseand how might human service/social workers engage with it? Discuss from community development and social justice standpoints.