Case Study Analysis: Cutting Costs in Financial Hard Times
Case Study Analysis: Cutting Costs in Financial Hard Times
The requirements for this Capstone Paper are to do a Case Study Analysis. You have to read the Case Study and analyze and make recommendations based on prior readings from the program and the core competencies of the program. It is the final step for my masters degree in Public Administration. It is focused around working in local government and the public sector. It is not a political science degree but a public administration degree. There are 13 core competencies in the program that are supposed to be shown in the paper. Only competencies that relate to the paper are required but try to use at least 7 of the 13 or as many as you find relevant. I will also have the competencies listed in a different attachment. The paper requires prior readings from prior classes in the program to be cited in the paper. Outside sources can be used but are not recommended. Again it is an analysis of the case study and NOT A RESEARCH PAPER. We are suppose to analyze the case study and make recommendations from prior readings using the competencies of the program. You should try to use as many references from prior readings as you seem fit. Use all or most of the books that I attach and from different chapters and so forth. I hope this all makes sense. I am going to attach the case study for the paper, the rubric for the paper, prior books that need to be used as citations, the core competencies, and a few other attachments that might be useful. Again this is for a Master Degree in Public Administration Capstone Paper. It is my final paper that I have to present to a board. The deadline is the 31st of October, but it would be great if I could get it 5 days before so I can review it and study it. Sorry if I’m coming off as pushy, I am just nervous and want to make sure everything is clear.